Publication Date: 29th Feb 2024
Written By: Daytripper.
Image Work: Blanchett.
Issue Checklist
[title] - New Mutants (2nd series) #2
New Mutants (2nd series) #2

first appearance

[title] - New Mutants (2nd series) #7
New Mutants (2nd series) #7

receives detention after endangering the school

[title] - New Mutants (2nd series) #8
New Mutants (2nd series) #8

ditches Northstar and becomes one of Emma Frost's mentees

[title] - New Mutants (2nd series) #9
New Mutants (2nd series) #9

friendship with Elixir is over

[title] - New Mutants (2nd series) #10
New Mutants (2nd series) #10

wants to use the codename Hellion, begins working with his new teammates under Emma Frost's advisorship

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #2
New X-Men: Academy X #2

permitted use of codename Hellion, now part of Emma Frost's Hellions Squad

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #4
New X-Men: Academy X #4

Hellions Squad wins the first field day contest against the New Mutants Squad

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #6
New X-Men: Academy X #6

leads mission to free Wither from FBI custody

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #8
New X-Men: Academy X #8

issued a stern warning for his behavior by Cyclops

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #13
New X-Men: Academy X #13

deals with Northstar's death

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #14
New X-Men: Academy X #14

dances with Wind Dancer at the school prom

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #15
New X-Men: Academy X #15

Hellions Squad announced overall winners of the field day competitions

[title] - New X-Men Yearbook Special
New X-Men: Academy X Yearbook

kisses Wind Dancer

[title] - New X-Men: Hellions #1
New X-Men: Hellions #1

after using parents' connections to get out of trouble at airport, parents cut Julian out of will, express their desire for him to hide his powers and act normal, discovers parents have a connection to the Kingmaker

[title] - New X-Men: Hellions #2
New X-Men: Hellions #2

Kingmaker shows Hellions Squad what their life would be like if he made their dreams come true

[title] - New X-Men: Hellions #3
New X-Men: Hellions #3

Hellions Squad sign contracts to work for Kingmaker, steal device from Genetassist, battle Diamondback and Paladin, but learn device is a biological weapon

[title] - New X-Men: Hellions #4
New X-Men: Hellions #4

Julian gives weapon to Kingmaker, then forces him to release Hellions Squad from their contracts, battles the Kingmaker to retrieve weapon. Gives his parents some advice, learns Emma Frost is proud of him

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #20
New X-Men (2nd series) #20

retains powers following M-Day

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #21
New X-Men (2nd series) #21

relationships break down with Wind Dancer, Tag and Surge, meets X-23 for the first time

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #22
New X-Men (2nd series) #22

saved by X-23 during simulated exercise

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #23
New X-Men (2nd series) #23

is placed on the New X-Men team, shocked when Emma makes Surge leader, attack by Purifiers kills a number of depowered students, including Tag

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #24
New X-Men (2nd series) #24

learns Wind Dancer has departed without saying goodbye

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #25
New X-Men (2nd series) #25

challenges Surge's leadership

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #28
New X-Men (2nd series) #28

finally accepts how bad things have gotten for mutantkind

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #30
New X-Men (2nd series) #30

battles Nimrod

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #31
New X-Men (2nd series) #31

saves Surge in battle, uses powers to reconstruct Rockslide, has Emma Frost open the part of his mind that controls his powers, enabling him to fly a dying X-23 back to the Institute at super speed, forces Elixir out of a coma to heal X-23

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #33
New X-Men (2nd series) #33

power levels have come down, but is still vastly more powerful than he was prior to Emma opening up his mind

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #34
New X-Men (2nd series) #34-35

works with Laura to find the kidnapped Mercury, encourages her not to kill

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #36
New X-Men (2nd series) #36

battles Predator X and Kimura, rescues Mercury from the Facility

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #38
New X-Men (2nd series) #38

told off by Surge for acting without her instruction

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #40
New X-Men (2nd series) #40

arrives in Limbo to find missing teammates

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #43
New X-Men (2nd series) #43

kissed by Surge, complicating matters with Laura

[title] - New X-Men (2nd series) #44
New X-Men (2nd series) #44

skewered through his chest by Lady Deathstrike

[title] - X-Men: Divided We Stand #1
X-Men: Divided We Stand #1

wakes from sedation, feels abandoned by the X-Men, seeks out Magneto

[title] - X-Force (3rd series) #13
X-Force (3rd series) #13

kidnapped by the Sapien League, infected with new strain of Legacy virus

[title] - X-Force (3rd series) #17
X-Force (3rd series) #17-18

sent to the United Nations to expose Legacy Virus, frees himself and after being cured of the virus, shunts another dose of the virus into space

[title] - Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men : Utopia
Utopia crossover

participates in protests against Proposition X, battles the Dark X-Men, arrested

[title] - X-Men Legacy Annual #1
X-Men Legacy Annual #1

settles on Utopia

[title] - X-Men: Second Coming  #1
Second Coming crossover

hands tragically severed in battle against Nimrod

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #238
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #238

is resistant when Rogue takes an interest in his recovery

[title] - X-23 (2nd series) #1
X-23 (2nd series) #1

isolated from former friends, reunited with Laura, clear that feelings are unresolved between them

[title] - X-23 (2nd series) #3
X-23 (2nd series) #3

pretends to be asleep when Laura comes to tell him goodbye

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #242
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #242

is angry at Hope when she can't restore his hands

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #243
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #243

saves Hope from out-of-control Omega Sentinel, but violently lashes out at Omega Sentinel in retaliation for machines taking his hands, leaves her in a coma. Is given stern warnings from Cyclops and Rogue to change his attitude and behavior

[title] - Age of X: Alpha
Age of X crossover

is a member of the Force Warriors during a reality warp

[title] - X-Men Legacy (1st series) #248
X-Men Legacy (1st series) #248

retains the artificial floating hands from the Age of X

[title] - X-Men: Regenesis
X-Men: Regenesis #1

makes the decision to leave Utopia for the newly established Jean Grey School

[title] - Wolverine and the X-Men #1
Wolverine & the X-Men (1st series) #1

enrolled in the Jean Grey School

[title] - X-23 (2nd series) #17
X-23 (2nd series) #17

is not coping well, Laura returns, threatens to kill Gambit

[title] - X-23 (2nd series) #18
X-23 (2nd series) #18

confronts Laura about her leaving Utopia, battles the Collector

[title] - X-23 (2nd series) #19
X-23 (2nd series) #19

thinks he and Laura are getting together, but she leaves him, telling him she doesn't want him

[title] - X-Men (4th series) #2
X-Men (4th series) #2-3

battles Arkea

[title] - X-Men (4th series) #10
X-Men (4th series) #10-12

battles Sentinels in his swim trunks

[title] - X-Men (4th series) #13
X-Men (4th series) #13-15

rallied classmates to further train themselves, granted mission standby status

[title] - X-Men (4th series) #16
X-Men (4th series) #16-17

assists the X-Men in battling the villain called The Future

[title] - Spider-Man and the X-Men #1
Spider-Man & the X-Men #1

unhappy about being placed in Spider-Man's super hero ethics class

[title] - Spider-Man and the X-Men #6
Spider-Man & the X-Men #6

continues to prove himself a capable leader, discovers feelings for Shark Girl are reciprocated, they kiss

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #6
Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #6

has been exposed to the Terrigen Mist, attacks New Attilan, hoping to cause destruction before he dies, is subdued by Synapse

[title] - Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #30
Uncanny Avengers (3rd series) #30

has been cured of M-Pox and visits Synapse when she is injured

[title] - New Mutants (4th series) #1
New Mutants (4th series) #1

living on Krakoa

[title] - X-Factor (4th series) #5
X-Factor (4th series) #5

flesh and bone hands have been restored, Wind Dancer and Tag are resurrected